Coming Up on Achates Community
Achates Community is now live!
Read on to see Achates Community‘s live offerings, including Response Sessions that accompany the video masterclasses, and facilitated Purposeful Leader Programme sessions where you can explore and develop your own leadership approach with peers from across the sector.
Online Events Listings Jan – Mar 2025
Purposeful Leader Programme (Cohort 1) – Session 2: Triple Bottom Line
Thu 09 Jan
The Purposeful Leader Programme kicks off with its second session in the New Year. This session will introduce the concept of the triple bottom line as a means of developing and articulating your purpose, the organisational purpose and what you, as leaders see as the purpose of the sector.
Register for the PLP Session here:
Response Session: Module 7.3 – Setting Outcome Targets
Thu 23 Jan
This live Response Session for Module 7.3 is an opportunity to discuss your progress on the module with one of the Achates team. Gain further insight and support on how you have implemented what you have learned in a small group setting.
Module 7.3 focuses on creating an Evaluation Framework from your Logic Models designing good practice surveys and questionnaires, and looking at how to establish baselines and evaluate outcomes.
Register for the Response Session here:
Purposeful Leader Programme (Cohort 1) – Session 3: Audiences and Impact
Thu 6 Feb
This session will focus on the need for leaders to ultimately act as a conduit through which impact for audiences is delivered. We will talk through the importance and nuances of advocating for audiences within leadership roles and develop participants’ understanding of the importance of an audience-informed approach in their work.
Register for the PLP Session here:
Purposeful Leader Programme (Cohort 2) – Session 1: Ambition Setting
Thu 12 Feb
For those members new to Achates Community or those who missed the start of the first series, we are launching a second cohort of Purposeful Leaders in February 2025. In this 2nd cohort PLP session you will have the chance to meet your fellow PLP participants and start to articulate your ambitions for the sector and your leadership role within it. We will also explore how learnings from Module 2 (Organisational Purpose) applies within a leadership context and explore how to take others on the journey with you.
Register for the PLP Session here:
Broken Business Models? – The Purpose-Led Approach
Wed 19 Feb
First free webinar exclusively for Achates Community Members to support you in developing a balanced business model and in establishing what to include in ACE NPO or other governmental funding bids. Achates Director, Caroline McCormick will present the webinar and there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions afterwards.
Register for a free webinar here:
Broken Business Models? – The Purpose-Led Response
Thu 20 Feb
The second free webinar exclusively for Achates Community Members to support you in developing a balanced business model and in establishing what to include in ACE NPO or other governmental funding bids. Achates Director, Caroline McCormick will present the webinar and there will be an opportunity for you to ask any questions afterwards.
Register for a free webinar here:
Response Session: Module 8.4 – Donor Journeys, Organisational Behaviour
Thu 20 Feb
The Response Session for Module 8.4 provides an opportunity to discuss your progress on this Audience Consultation Masterclass with one of the Achates team. Gain further insight and feedback on how you can implement what you have learned in a small group setting.
Module 8.4 looks at Major Donors. We will consider how we can attract major donors by thinking about brand, distinctiveness and an impact-based argument and also what behaviours across staff and Board make for successful major donor fundraising.
Register for the Response Session here:
Purposeful Leader Programme (Cohort 1) – Session 4: Leading with Purpose – Centring Care and Resilience
Thu 6 Mar
This session of PLP will focus on how to lead with purpose whilst focusing on both care and resilience. It will aim to equip participants with a clearer understanding of how to navigate some of the complexities of leading teams within the current environment and how to lead in a way that embodies care for our stakeholders whilst also building their resilience.
Register for the PLP Session here:
Purposeful Leader Programme (Cohort 2) – Session 2: Triple Bottom Line
Thu 12 Mar
This second session of the new cohort will introduce the concept of the triple bottom line as a means of developing and articulating your purpose, the organisational purpose and what you, as leaders see as the purpose of the sector.
Register for the PLP Session here:
Response Session: Module 10.2 – Legacy Giving: Making the Ask
Thu 20 Mar
The Response Session for Module 10.2 provides an opportunity to discuss your progress on this Audience Consultation masterclass with one of the Achates team. Gain further insight and feedback on how you can implement what you have learned in a small group setting.
Module 10.2 will focus on best practice approaches to making the legacy ask and the tools and materials you might want to develop to support you in this. In this Module, we will consider donor reciprocation and recognition processes and approaches.
Register for the Response Session here:
Plus Weekly Provocations & New Releases
Designed to spark critical thinking, our weekly provocations will challenge received ideas and inspire new approaches to your work and we’ll be releasing new Masterclasses on a variety of topics including Financial Management, Capital Fundraising, The 9th Type of Impact and much more, throughout the year.
How to access these sessions:
All of the above events (and all future events) can be accessed via the Achates Community platform, hosted on Mighty Networks. Join Achates Community here.*
What is Achates Community?
Achates Community is our digital support and learning platform for income-generation professionals. It offers video Masterclasses that can be followed on-demand, as well as interactive sessions and a community hub so you can come together to discuss important topics and exchange ideas.
You can choose to follow along with our Response Sessions, or you can dip in and out as you prefer.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
*The £50 p/m subscription offer is applicable only to cultural sector employees. Consultants and government sector workers can join Achates Community at a rate of £100 p/m here.