Case study:Achates Fundraises: Without Walls

Achates were incredibly helpful in their contributions to our strategic fundraising planning. They worked with our senior leadership team to unify our understanding of the value of our work, but also challenged us to think differently about Without Walls, to build a stronger case for support. The experience, knowledge and industry expertise that Achates brought was of huge benefit, allowing us to benchmark our approach against other organisations and refine our understanding of the current fundraising landscape to better inform our decision making.

– Ralph Kennedy, Director

Photo credit: Katja Ogrin


Without Walls is a pioneer and trailblazer of world-class Outdoor Art. By forging and spearheading a network of 40 cultural organisations, independent producers and festivals, it works in partnership to commission, co-create, and share exceptional outdoor work with communities across the country and ensure onward touring nationally and internationally. Its innovation in artistic approach, collaborative working, financial sustainability, and inclusive practice strengthens the entire ecosystem of the sector, from artist, to producer, to presenting partner, ensuring the UK’s Outdoor Arts scene continuously evolves to realise its full potential and operate as a global leader in the industry. Through its unique approach, Without Walls democratises access to, and representation within, Outdoor Art, enabling high quality culture to platform unheard voices; positively impact individuals’ wellbeing; and build a strong sense of connection, identity, belonging, and community cohesion.

Having undertaken an options analysis to consider its organisational constitution and taken the decision to remain as a not-for-profit, Without Walls commissioned Achates  in November 2023 to help the organisation drive sustainable contributed income, specifically from Trusts and Foundations. At this significant moment of strategic review, Achates assessed and assembled a new Trust and Foundation prospect pipeline; outlined a series of recommendations regarding approaching and cultivating funders; and advised on the positioning of organisational track record and future plans to inform a 2-year T&F strategy and maximise the chances of success.

Building on this work, Achates then worked collaboratively with the senior leadership team to develop a Statement of Purpose, Theory of Change narrative, and Logic Models for Without Wall’s priority audiences, to create a decision-making framework and fundraising Case for Support tool which clearly articulates the lasting impact and value Without Walls is driving through its work, and for whom.